Mobile Foods
Last Updated:
11 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A business plan

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%% report_template.tex
%% V1.0
%% 2012-03-16
%% by Jesper Pedersen Notander
%% See:
%% http://www.cs.lth.se/jesper_pedersen_notander
%% for current contact information.
%% V1.1
%% 2014-02-20
%% by Per Runeson
%% See:
%% http://www.cs.lth.se/per_runeson
%% for current contact information.
%% This is a template file contaning instructions and a skeleton outline
%% for the final report in the course ETSA05: Software Engineering
%% Process - Soft Issues, given by the Department of Computer Science at
%% Lund University, Sweden.
%% This template requires IEEEtran.cls, written by Michael Shell, version
%% 1.7 or later.
%% Support sites:
%% http://www.cs.lth.se/etsa05/
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%% File list of work: report_template.tex
% If IEEEtran.cls has not been installed into the LaTeX system files,
% manually specify the path to it like:
% \documentclass[conference]{../sty/IEEEtran}
\title{Mobile Foods}
% author names and affiliations
% use a multiple column layout for up to three different
% affiliations
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)}
\IEEEauthorblockA{line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization\\
line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptable\\
line 3: City, Country\\
line 4: e-mailaddress if desired}
\IEEEauthorblockN{Emil Widell\\Sebastian Karabeleski\\Niklas Karlsson\\Lukas Brandt Brune}
\IEEEauthorblockA{Students at Lund University\\
Lund, Sweden\\
We'll sell noutricious food to students/employees at Campus/LTH from our car, for a reasonable amount. You'll register for food through our webservice or our mobile number, if you want guaranteed food. We will make some extra, however one should not trust to get food without registering.
\section{Business Idea}
We'll deliver food for 40 :- to start. We'll mainly deliver "regular" food(European standard and often with meat), but we will have a vegetarian and a milk free option. Preferebly these options will be one and the same meal - at least in the beginning. You should order 3 hours before before "drive-out time"(around 12:30) to get food gurateed, to get your order. As mentioned before be will have some extra meals prepared. After 40-50 minutes we'll lower the price to 30 :-.
We will have 4 chefs, 1 of them will drive and later serve the food, another will help serving. 1 will also take care of administrational services
Students/employees at Lunds Uneversity, plus people living nearby
\section{Business Model}
Cook the food at home(Lund apartment), preferebly somewhere with free elictricity. We'll buy food/ingredients from wholesale/big suppliesrs and prepare it at home
Sell the food for money.
After salary has been paid use rest for expansion
A portion can cost maximum 20 SEK for the company.
\section{Expansion Plan}
Firstly, if we get som extra in our economy we will get offices at more of the big universities
Get bigger/better offices/tools/car etc.
Maybe even delivery to companies
\section{Contribution Statement}
\label{Contribution Statement}
Everybody had contributed equally.