Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

TEP4160 lab report

This report provides insight into the magnetic phenomenon of Hysteresis. Hysteresis is defined as a retardation effect where the magnetisation of a magnetic material lags behind the magnetizing force. Here we will explore the hysteresis loop for a silver steel ferromagnet and use this to discover it’s magnetic properties. The method used will be to place a ferromagnet inside a solenoid with an alternating voltage which will continually reverse the magnetic field and magnetism direction. The relation between these two quantities will be used to produce a hysteresis loop from which magnetic properties can be deduced. The results obtained were: saturation magnetisation = (8.4±0.5)(105)Am-1; remnant magnetisation = (5.9±0.5)(105)Am-1; coercive field: (4.3±0.5)(104)Am-1; energy expended per cycle per unit volume of material: (1.55±0.05)(103)Jm-3s-1; energy product: (8.7±3.0)(104)Jm-3.

Throughout the ECE Lab section we have learnt many electronics concepts and applied almost all of them directly or indirectly in our final lab project. Additionally, having taken away a lot from this course, we aimed to make a project that would challenge us academically and intellectually; for our final lab assignment, we made an autonomous line-following robot, that would follow a white line track using RedBot sensors, and would respond to audio cues from the environment using a microphone. In this report, we explain the use of each of the components that were used to make the final vehicle and the working of the vehicle itself.

目的: 熟悉分析實驗數據的方法,測量並分析誤差。 學習有效數的處理。 了解螺旋測微器(Micrometer)的操作方式並用以測定微小物體的厚度或直徑等。 了解游標尺(Vernier caliper)的操作方式並用以測量塑膠管的深度及內、外徑。

Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar e detalhar a construção de um conversor buck-boost. Cuja a função deste é converter uma tensão cc (corrente contínua) de entrada, em outra tensão cc em sua saída, de valor mais elevado ou inferior dependendo de sua configuração. Destaca-se aqui o uso de um semi condutor MOSFET que funciona como uma chave controladora. Na elabiração deste está destacada o funcionamento, principais características e toda a parte de simulação e comprovação prática deste conversor.

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Computer algorithms that are written with the intent to keep data private are used in every day cryptography. These algorithms may exhibit execution time behaviour which is dependant on secret information that is not known to an outsider. When carefully analysed, this dependency may leak information that can be used to gain unintended access to private data, effectively nullifying the use of such algorithms. This threat poses a vital risk to the field of computer cryptography, and analysis should be done in attempt to eradicate this potential threat from any algorithms in modern day use. In this paper, attacks are orchestrated against several algorithms that have previously been used in cryptography, resulting in the successful retrieval of secret data within a manageable time-scale.


Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Artificial Bee Colony Influence Maximization
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