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Welcome To Our New Customer: AGH University of Science and Technology

Mary Anne · March 3, 2021

AGH University of Science and Technology:

The AGH University of Science and Technology is now offering Overleaf Professional Accounts to all students and faculty via an institution-wide Overleaf Commons subscription. These premium accounts will allow the students and faculty to harness the full power of Overleaf including access to features like track changes and reference management, along with the provision of a resource portal featuring branded templates, training assets and administrative analytics/metrics.

The AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH UST) in Krakow is a modern state university which develops collaboration with colleges and universities in Poland, Europe, and all over the world. The university’s priority is the accomplishment of tasks and projects that are part of the knowledge triangle: education – scientific research – innovations. The AGH UST is a technical university where exact sciences are strongly represented, and where they constitute a basis for the development of a wide spectrum of applied sciences at a gradually increasing role of social sciences and humanities. In line with global trends, AGH UST creates new branches of study, but at the same time, keeps the conventional ones, which are indispensable for a proper development of science, technology, and the economy of their country.

Tomasz Jakubas, Deputy Director of the University Computer Center, shares a brief look at why they chose and how they use Overleaf:

The scientific community has been using the LaTeX editing tool for years. Configuration of this software is a barrier for many beginner users. The Overleaf overlay comes to the rescue here.

LaTeX, which is the basic editing tool used in Overleaf, is a fully fledged typesetting system. It is used by many publishers, especially those who focus on high-quality editing of scientific and technical publications and require the correct composition of mathematical expressions. Overleaf has many facilities in this range. When writing a publication, author focuses on entering the content: text, graphics, tables, mathematical expressions. Format is determined by the publisher, who imposes the appearance by providing a prepared template. So simply saying: writing in LaTeX in Overleaf means entering the text in the right places of the template.

A useful feature of Overleaf is its integration with many interesting tools for data storage, charting, collaboration and versioning. Authors’ teams can collaborate parallelly to create one document, constantly monitoring changes and the increase in the content of documents. Thanks to the Overleaf cloud application, geographic barriers are not a problem, and potential editorial difficulties are minimized.

With Overleaf you can not only generate a PDF file, but also directly send a document to selected publishing houses, use cloud resources (Dropbox, GitHub) or virtual citation managers (Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote).

Interested in an Overleaf Account?

If you think your institution or company would be interested in premium accounts, you can find out more at Overleaf for Institutions or please get in touch with us and we can provide more information and pricing.

AGH Students and Faculty:

Students and Faculty - you can link your institutional email for access to premium Overleaf features here.


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