Mehr Flaschenzüge
Andreas Kelbel
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Flaschenzug, pulley

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Flaschenzug, pulley
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% author: Andreas Kelbel
% packages
seil/.style={draw,color=blue,ultra thick},
masse/.style={draw,ultra thick,fill=gray!80}
\usepackage{cmbright} % font
% macros
\fill[left color=gray,right color=gray!75,middle color=gray!25] (0,0) circle (.5cm) ;
\fill[left color=gray!50, right color=gray!30, middle
color=white] (0,0) circle (.4cm) ;
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\fill (0,0) circle (.5mm);
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color=white] (0,0) circle (.2cm) ;
\fill[left color=gray,right color=gray!75,middle color=gray!25] (0,0) circle (.7cm) ;
\fill[left color=gray!50, right color=gray!30, middle
color=white] (0,0) circle (.6cm) ;
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\fill[pattern = north east lines] (0,0) rectangle ++(7.5,.25) ;
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\draw[seil] (1,0) -- ++(0,-3) arc (180:360:.5cm) -- ++(0,2) arc (180:0:.5cm) -- ++(0,-2) arc (180:360:.5) -- ++(0,2) arc (180:0:.5) -- ++(0,-2) arc (180:360:.5) -- ++(0,2) arc (180:30:.5) -- ++(300:1) ;
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\fill[masse] (3.2,-4.5) rectangle ++(.6,-.8) node[midway,white]{$m$} ;
\fill[pattern = north east lines] (0,0) rectangle ++(5.5,.25) ;
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\fill (0,-4.6) circle (.5mm);
\fill (0,-7) circle (.5mm);
\fill (0,-9.6) circle (.5mm);
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\fill[pattern = north east lines] (-1.5,-1) rectangle ++(3,.25) ;
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\draw[seil] (0,-4.2) -- (-.3,-7) arc (180:360:.3) -- (.5,-3.5) arc(0:180:.5) -- (-.5,-8.1) arc (180:360:.5) -- (.7,-2) arc (0:180:.7) -- (-.7,-9.6) arc (180:360:.7) -- ++(90:1);
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\fill (0,-7) circle (.5mm);
\fill (0,-9.6) circle (.5mm);
\fill[masse] (-.3,-11) rectangle ++(.6,-.8) node[midway,white]{$m$} ;