\usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} % for PAPER & MARGIN
\usepackage[many]{tcolorbox} % for COLORED BOXES (tikz and xcolor included)
\usepackage{mathspec} % for FONTS
\usepackage{setspace} % for LINE SPACING
\usepackage{multicol} % for MULTICOLUMNS
\setmainfont{Noto Sans}[
Kerning = On,
Mapping = tex-text,
Numbers = Uppercase,
BoldFont = Noto Sans SemiBold
] % setting the font as Noto Sans
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % killing indentation for all the text
\setstretch{1.3} % setting line spacing to 1.3
\setlength\columnsep{0.25in} % setting length of column separator
\pagestyle{empty} % setting pagestyle to be empty
\definecolor{main}{HTML}{5989cf} % setting main color to be used
\definecolor{sub}{HTML}{cde4ff} % setting sub color to be used
sharp corners,
colback = white,
before skip = 0.2cm, % add extra space before the box
after skip = 0.5cm % add extra space after the box
} % setting global options for tcolorbox
% You can copy any following box you like to your code.
fontupper = \bf,
boxrule = 1.5pt,
colframe = black % frame color
fontupper = \bf\color{main}, % font color
boxrule = 1.5pt,
colframe = main,
rounded corners,
arc = 5pt % corners roundness
colback = sub, % background color
boxrule = 0pt % no borders
colback = sub,
colframe = main,
boxrule = 0pt,
toprule = 3pt, % top rule weight
bottomrule = 3pt % bottom rule weight
enhanced, % for a fancier setting,
boxrule = 0pt, % clearing the default rule
borderline = {0.75pt}{0pt}{main}, % outer line
borderline = {0.75pt}{2pt}{sub} % inner line
colback = sub,
boxrule = 1.5pt,
colframe = white, % making the base for dash line
borderline = {1.5pt}{0pt}{main, dashed} % add "dashed" for dashed line
boxrule = 0pt,
colback = sub,
borderline west = {1pt}{0pt}{main},
borderline west = {0.75pt}{2pt}{main},
borderline east = {1pt}{0pt}{main},
borderline east = {0.75pt}{2pt}{main}
colback = sub,
colframe = main,
boxrule = 0pt,
leftrule = 6pt % left rule weight
colback = sub,
colframe = main,
boxrule = 0pt,
toprule = 6pt % top rule weight
sharpish corners, % better drop shadow
colback = sub,
colframe = main,
boxrule = 0pt,
toprule = 4.5pt, % top rule weight
fuzzy shadow = {0pt}{-2pt}{-0.5pt}{0.5pt}{black!35} % {xshift}{yshift}{offset}{step}{options}
sharpish corners, % better drop shadow
boxrule = 0pt,
toprule = 4.5pt, % top rule weight
fuzzy shadow = {0pt}{-2pt}{-0.5pt}{0.5pt}{black!35} % {xshift}{yshift}{offset}{step}{options}
fontupper = \color{main},
rounded corners,
arc = 6pt,
colback = sub,
colframe = main!50,
boxrule = 0pt,
bottomrule = 4.5pt
fontupper = \color{white},
rounded corners,
arc = 6pt,
colback = main!80,
colframe = main,
boxrule = 0pt,
bottomrule = 4.5pt,
fuzzy shadow = {0pt}{-3pt}{-0.5pt}{0.5pt}{black!35}
{\LARGE Simple Box} % inspired by https://saruwakakun.com/html-css/reference/box
A. Just enclose with a solid line.
It is just a frame surrounded by a slightly thick line. A simple monochrome design might be fine, but when you want a gorgeous look, it's a bit unsatisfactory.
B. Rounded Corner
We changed the color and made the corners round. Change the text color, line color, and roundness of the corners as necessary.
C. Background Fill
I tried to fill the background without using lines. Please change the background color to your liking.
D. Only Top and Bottom Line
In addition to filling, I added thicker lines to the top and bottom. It is important to choose a color that is compatible with the lines and background.
E. Double Line Border
A double-lined frame. You can create it by specifying multiple "borderline". The last argument in \texttt{borderline} is essentially work the same as \texttt{tikz} options.
F. Dashed Box
I made the surrounding frame a broken line. Change the line thickness to your liking (just adjust the first argument in \texttt{borderline}).
G. Left and Right Double Line
I tried adding a double line only to the left and right. We recommend changing the color according to your document design.
H. Thick Line Only to the left
It is a sticky note box design. You may use it to write important points or supplementary notes in the article.
I. Thick line only on top
This is the case when I added a line only to the top. The point is to put together the background and line/character colors in the same system color overall.
J. If You Cast a Shadow...
It looks like a little floating with a shadow. Although it has a mint color scheme, the background may be white or gray.
K. Smart Design
The box area is made visible by the shadow instead of the border. The top line may be placed on the left (replace border-top with border-left).
L. Thick Board Style
The underline is slightly darker than the background to express the thickness. The neck is that it looks a little like a button.
M. Thick Board with Shadow
I added a shadow to give it a more three-dimensional appearance. It's a little flashy, so it might be good to use it on the part you really want to stand out.