%%% This LaTeX--file contains the guidelines for full
%%% papers for Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2023
%%% You need the following file
%%% * crater.tex
\documentclass[10pt, twoside, a4paper]{article}
%% Enter further packages required for your abstract
\fancyhead[L]{{\fontsize{11}{11}\selectfont\color{color_gray} Submitted to CRATER - Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2025}
%%Remove the line below before submission!
{\vspace*{3mm}\color{color_261472}\fontsize{10}{10.5}\selectfont To be submitted online through https://crater.icter.pl/ as pdf file (max length 2pp). -- Remove this line before submission!}
%% Insert the title of your paper between the brackets
\title{Title of the abstract}
%% Insert authors name(s) and address(es)
%% mark the presenting author with $^\ast$
Author Name \& Surname$^{a}$, Second-Author Name \& Surname$^{\ast a,b}$, Third$^{b}$ \& So-on$^{a,b,c}$
$^{a}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{b}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{c}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{\#}$corresponding author email: author@author.com \\
$^{\ast}$Presenting author
\section{Main Text}
The 2025 Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research (CRATER) welcomes researchers and entrepreneurs dedicated to ocular science and innovation. This international gathering is jointly hosted by the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (a division of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) and the Candela Foundation, with additional backing from the i2EYE conference.
CRATER 2025 serves as a collaborative platform where specialists across diverse disciplines can converge to address critical challenges in translational eye research. The conference focuses on key areas including advanced ocular imaging technologies, visual processing mechanisms, and the pathogenesis of eye disorders.
This interdisciplinary forum will highlight cutting-edge research on innovative diagnostic approaches and therapeutic interventions for ocular diseases. Participants will also explore strategies to accelerate the clinical implementation of novel eye treatments, bridging the gap between laboratory discoveries and patient care.
\section{Methods and results}
\caption{{Insert figure caption}}
\bibitem{source1} FamilyName, GivenName Initial., "Title," Source, pg\# (year).
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