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\renewcommand\refname{\normalsize References }
\abstracttitle{The title of your contribution to Workshop on Ultracold Molecules 2025}
Michał Tomza $^{1,~\dag}$,
\underline{Mihai Suster $^{2}$},
Mieczysław Wolfke $^{1}$
\addresses{%Affiliation with laboratory and/or university name, city, zip code, country
$^{1}$Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, ul.~Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland \\
$^{2}$Candela Foundation, ul.~Grochowska 357/513, 03-822 Warszawa, Poland \\
\dag corresponding author's email: \href{mailto:michal.tomza@fuw.edu.pl}{michal.tomza@fuw.edu.pl}
Please follow these rules to ensure the happiness of the organizers and the beauty of the book of abstract:
\item write your abstract in Times New Roman 11pt
\item underline name of the presenting author
\item indent the first line of each paragraph
\item do not exceed \textbf{\underline{1 page}}
\item include figures in the text with max. 2MB size
\item write the caption outside of the figure frame (see Figure~\ref{fig:Figure} as an example).
\item insert your references using \textbackslash bibitem and cite as~\cite{AuthorsAB2024} and ~\cite{AuthorsCDE2023}
\item submit your abstract following procedure described at www.ultracold-molecules-2025.pl
The second edition of the Workshop on Ultracold Molecules 2025 is set to be held in the vibrant city of Warsaw, Poland, from June 24 to 27, 2025. This four-day event will convene leading international experts in the field of ultracold molecules to exchange ideas, share advancements, and explore new research directions. Topics covered will include cutting-edge techniques in the formation, manipulation, trapping, and laser cooling of ultracold molecules, alongside their applications in areas such as quantum physics, cold chemistry, and precision measurement.
Organized jointly by the University of Warsaw and the Candela Foundation, the workshop promises a rich and intensive program. We look forward to seeing the latest developments in the field and to the new ideas that will emerge from this gathering of minds in Warsaw.
Caption of your figure: Times New Roman, 11 points.}
\section*{\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont Acknowledgments}
\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont % Adjust the line spacing if needed
Your acknowledgment text goes here. Kindly note that this section is optional.
%insert your references here using \bibitem
\bibitem{AuthorsAB2024} N. White and G. Black, {\em Nature Materials} {{\bf 6}, 9 (2024).}
\vspace{-0.25cm} % Use this between every \bibitem to reduce the space between cited articles
\bibitem{AuthorsCDE2023} F. Bennett, X.Y. Harrison, and F. Foster, {\em Optica} {{\bf 15}, 11220 (2023).}