% Template for writing a Thesis in Faculty of Science, Charles University.
% It is not necessary to change this page.
% Automatically exports to PDF type A-2u. (Do not include PDF that are not PDF A-2u)
%%% Useful links:
% Submitting the thesis: https://natur.cuni.cz/en/students/bachelor-and-post-bachelor-master-study/theses-defences-and-state-examinations/submitting-bachelor-and-master-theses-before-the-defence
% Example of formatting guidelines in Czech (can vary by deparment): https://natur.cuni.cz/data/users/user_83/KSGRR/sekce%20STUDIUM/Doporuceni-pro-psani-praci.pdf
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\newdateformat{mydate}{\THEDAY. \THEMONTH. \THEYEAR}
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% Setting up the Bibliography
% Begin document
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