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\title{\Large $\ $\\ \bf Authors' guidelines for CIBB short papers}
\author{\large First Author$^1$, Second Author$^{2}$, and Third Author$^{*,3,4}$}
\address{\footnotesize $\ $\\$^1$ First author's department, institute,
city, country. Email, ORCID code \\
$^2$ Second author's department, institute,
city, country. Email, ORCID code \\
$^3$ Third author's primary affiliation department, institute,
city, country. Email, ORCID code \\
$^4$ Third author's secondary affiliation department, institute,
city, country. \\
$^*$corresponding author
\abstract{\small keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5. \normalsize
{\bf Abstract.} In this document there are the
main guidelines for preparing your contribution for the electronic
proceedings of CIBB meeting.
This document will help you to produce the PDF file of your paper.
The paper length must be from 4 to 6 pages.}
\markright{\tt Proceedings of CIBB 2025}%check year
\section{\bf Introduction}
In this document there are the guidelines for your contribution
for the electronic proceedings of the Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB) meetings.
In this section the authors need to write the Scientific Background or the Introduction.
\section{\bf Data and Methods}
This document is the printed version of the cibb-sample-2023.pdf file, and
is formatted following the guidelines here described. On the CIBB website
you can download the zipped
archive from the CIBB conference website.
Please note that only PDF versions of papers can be accepted, as the
proceedings of CIBB will be produced starting from them.
\section{\bf Results}
The paper must be formatted single column, 12 pt, on standard A4 paper, and its side edges should be 2.5 cm above, down, left, and right, as shown by this document. The maximum length of the paper is 6 pages.
The references should be cited in this way~\cite{domingos2012few,powell2020tried}, or also~\cite{vcuklina2020review,hansen2014scientific,WWW-GO}.
Software code commands should be written this way:
\texttt{x <- 0.5} \newline
\texttt{y <- 0.8} \newline
\texttt{z <- x + y} \newline
\texttt{print(z)} \newline
\subsection{\bf \it Tables and Figures}
Tables and figures must be placed in the paper close where they are
cited. The caption heading for a table should be placed at the top of
the table, as shown in~\autoref{tab:RESULTS}. The caption heading for a
figure should be placed below the figure, as shown in~\autoref{fig:CIBB-LOGO}.
\begin{table}[httb!] \small
\begin{tabularx}{0.4\textwidth}{ l l c }
\textbf{method} & \textbf{result} & \textbf{interpretation} \\
\rowcolor{LightBlue} aaa & 0.7 & ccc \\
ddd & 0.2 & zzz \\
\rowcolor{LightBlue} jjj & 0.4 & ppp \\\
ggg & 0.5 & qqq \\
\caption{\textbf{Recap of the results}.
Example table containing results.
Please alternate the background colors for each row, to facilitate a clearer interpretation\label{tab:RESULTS}}
\subsection{\bf \it Equations}
Equations should be centered and numbered consecutively, in this way:
{\bf y}_{j} = \frac {\sum_{k=1}^{n} (u_{jk})^{m}{\bf x}_{k} }{
\sum_{k=1}^{n} ({ u}_{jk})^{m} } \, \, \ \mbox{\hspace{.5cm} } \forall j,
u_{jk} =
\left( \sum_{l=1}^{c} \left( \frac {E_{j}({\bf x}_{k})}{E_{l}({\bf x}_{k})}
\right)^\frac{2}{m-1} \right)^{-1} & if & E_{j}({\bf x}_{k})>0 & \forall j,k \\
1 & if & E_{j}({\bf x}_{k})=0 & (u_{lk}=0 \ \ \forall l \neq j) \\
and referred as: ~\autoref{eq:FCM_YJ} and ~\autoref{eq:FCM_UJK}.
\caption{\textbf{Example figure}.
Please generate your figure images as PDF files and include them here in the article within the text.
We suggest you to generate your figures with the \texttt{ggplot2} package in \texttt{R} or with \texttt{Matplotlib} in \texttt{Python}.
Regarding colors, please make sure you use a colorblind palette.
This image was generated with \texttt{ggplot2} and then edited with LibreOffice Draw.
\section{\bf Conclusion}
In this section the authors write the conclusion of the paper. Since this is a short paper, please do not include more than 10 references in the bibliography.
\section*{\bf Conflict of interests}
The authors should declare here any potential conflicts of interests.
\section*{\bf Acknowledgments (optional)}
The authors would like to thank XXX and YYY for their helpful feedback.
\section*{\bf Funding (optional)}
This work was supported by the XXX agency (grant number: XXX).
\section*{\bf Availability of data and software code (optional)}
Our software code is available at the following URL: XXX.
\indent Our dataset is available at the following URL: XXX.