DTU Letter
DTU LaTeX support
Last Updated:
6 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

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% Set department data
%DK-department = DTU ElectrooOOO,
DK-building = 341,
DK-street = Elektrovej 3,
DK-zipcity = 2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
%UK-department = DTU ElectrooOOO,
UK-building = 341,
UK-street = Elektrovej 3,
UK-zipcity = 2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
phone=45 32 24 14,
fax= 45 44 33 22,
cvr = DK 30 06 09 46
% TO data
TO-name = IdentityPeople,
TO-address = {Vester Farimagsgade 41},
TO-zipcity = 1608 København V,
TO-country = Denmark,
TO-att = Navn Navnesen
%stationery = true,
%lang = english,
department = business,
config = user,
docID = {BG 12-819},
author = {DJ/hab},
phone-direct = 45 32 24 11,
email = tobii@tobii.dk
The DTU letter class is build on the extensive Memoir class by Peter Wilson. The class requires the following packages: placeins, xcolor, calc, graphicx, hyperref, and ifthen. The class uses several options to define the different values of the letter head and foot. All options are activated using the \verb,\dtuletterconfig, command in the preambel, e.g.:
lang = danish,
department = elektro}
The following table describes the options available. Please note that if you need to write a comma in the text for an option you need to enclose the text in curly braces, ie. \verb.author = {tps, als}..
\begin{longtable}{>{\ttfamily}l >{\raggedright}p{0.4\textwidth} >{\ttfamily}p{0.2\textwidth}}
{\normalfont Option} & Description & {\normalfont Default Value}\\ \hline
lang & Sets the language for the letter (department name, footer field names, etc.). (danish, english) & danish\\
department & Specify the department. This selects the correct department logo and text. Possible values are: \verb|aqua|, \verb|byg|, \verb|compute|, \verb|elektro|, \verb|energikonvertering|, \verb|fotonik|, \verb|fysik|, \verb|food|, \verb|kemi|, \verb|kemiteknik|, \verb|management|, \verb|mekanik|, \verb|miljo|, \verb|nanotek|, \verb|space|, \verb|systembiologi|, \verb|transport|, \verb|veterinaerinstituttet|, \verb|vindenergi|. & admin\\
stationery & If you are printing on stationery paper you should specify this option (true, false) & false\\
config & Specify a configuration file, ie. specifying \emph{user} will load the file \verb,dtu_letter_user.cfg, if available in the \LaTeX\ search directories or the folder containing the letter. The configuration file could contain the \verb,\dtuletterconfig, command with your default values. & \optempty\\
TO-name & The receiver name. & \optempty\\
TO-address & The receiver address & \optempty\\
TO-zipcity & The receiver zip and city (divided by a space) & \optempty\\
TO-country & The receiver country & \optempty\\
TO-att & The attention text & \optempty\\
date & The date text. & \verb,\today,\\
docID & Document ID & \optempty\\
author & Document author &\optempty\\
DK-department & Danish department name used in the footer (you should not need to set this) & Set by department \\
UK-department & English department name used in the footer (you should not need to set this) & Set by department \\
DK-building & Building number for the Danish from address &\optempty\\
UK-building & Building number for the English from address &\optempty\\
DK-street & Street name for the Danish from address &\optempty\\
UK-street & Street name for the English from address &\optempty\\
DK-zipcity & Zip and city for the Danish from address &\optempty\\
UK-zipcity & Zip and city for the English from address &\optempty\\\\
phone & Phone number & \optempty\\
fax & FAX number. & \optempty\\
email & Email address & \optempty\\
webpage & Webpage for the footer (ie. www.dtu.dk) & \optempty\\
cvr & The DTU VAT number & DK 30 06 09 46\\
phone-direct & Direct phone number & \optempty\\
DK-lang-cvr & Word printed before the VAT number (Danish) & CVR-nr. \\
DK-lang-phone & Word printed before the phone number (Danish) & Tlf \\
DK-lang-phone-direct & Word printed before the direct phone number (Danish) & Dir \\
DK-lang-fax & Word printed before the fax number (Danish) & Fax \\
DK-lang-att & Word printed before the attention text (Danish) & Att. \\
DK-lang-building & Word printed before the building text (Danish) & Bygning \\
UK-lang-dtu & Offcial DTU name & Danmarks Tekniske Universitet\\
UK-lang-cvr & Word printed before the VAT number (English) & VAT no. \\
UK-lang-phone & Word printed before the phone number (English) & Tel \\
UK-lang-phone-direct & Word printed before the direct phone number (English) & Dir \\
UK-lang-fax & Word printed before the fax number (English) & Fax \\
UK-lang-att & Word printed before the attention text (English) & Att. \\
UK-lang-building & Word printed before the building text (English) & Building \\
UK-lang-dtu & Offcial DTU name & Technical University of Denmark\\