twoside, % The thesis is formatted like a book. That is, odd and even pages are handled differently.
openright, % Starts a new chapter on an odd page number (right side).
cleardoublepage = empty, % Clear pages inserted in order to have new chapters appear on odd pages are formatted with an empty style.
fontsize = 12 pt, % The size of the font.
american, % Support for American English.
captions = tableheading, % Places the correct amount of space when the caption of a table is above the table.
numbers = noenddot, % Does not use a period at the end of numbered titles, such as sections or figures.
footheight = 35 pt, % Defines the height of the foot. Due to the line, it needs extra height.
% draft, % Only displays boxes of figures. This option is useful if compilation takes a long time.
\input{core/preamble/document_settings} % Contains commands that are used for certain information that is printed.
%% Please adjust your options here. %%
% This section contains commands with important data for your thesis. Please adjust them in order for the document to be printed correctly.
% Defines the length of the amount that a printed page will be cut from EACH side (including the inner side). This option only takes effect with \printVersiontrue and \professionalPrinttrue.
\extraBorder{3 mm}
% Shifts the inner margin outward by the amount specified. When the book is bound, part of the page will not be seen anymore. This option compensates for this loss. It only takes effect with \printVersiontrue.
\bindingCorrection{6 mm}
% \printVersiontrue % Use this value if you want to prepare your thesis for physical printing. In this case, links will not be colored. Without \professionalPrinttrue, the content will be moved outward by the binding correction, increasing the inner margin and decreasing the outer margin.
% \professionalPrinttrue % Use this value if you want to have extra border for cutting and are not bound to paper formats (like A4). This option will increase the page size by the extra border on every side plus the binding correction once for the width. It only takes effect in combination with \printVersiontrue.
% \fancyTheoremsfalse % Use this value if you want to use the classical theorem style, where the text is italic. Further, with this style, the QED symbol is colorless.
% \boldNumberSetsfalse % Use this value if you want variables for number sets (like N or R) to appear in blackboard bold rather than bold.
% The title of the thesis.
\myTitle{My Very Long, Informative, Expressive, and Definitely Fancy Title}
% The author’s name.
\myName{My full name}
% The date of the defense. Leave it blank if you do not know it yet. This information is important when publishing your thesis.
\myDateOfDefense{noch nicht bekannt gegeben}
% \myDateOfDefense{1. Januar 20XX}
% The name and affiliation of the author’s supervisor.
\nameOfMySupervisor{Prof.\,Dr. Tobias Friedrich}
\affiliationOfMySupervisor{Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam}
% Information about the names and affiliations of the additional examiners.
\myFirstExaminer{Prof.\,Dr. Examiner One}
\affiliationOfMyFirstExaminer{Fancy University}
\mySecondExaminer{Prof.\,Dr. Examiner Two}
\affiliationOfMySecondExaminer{University of Crazy Sciences}
% Information about the publishing license of this thesis and where to find it online. This information becomes important once you want to publish you thesis online.
% The license under which this thesis is published.
% \myLicense
% {%
% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License:\\
% Attribution 4.0 International.\\
% This does not apply to quoted content from other authors.\\
% To view a copy of this license visit\\
% \url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}
% }
% The links where to find this thesis online.
% \linksToThisThesis
% {%
% Published online at the\\
% Institutional Repository of the University of Potsdam:\\
% \url{https://doi.org/XX.XXXXX/publishup-XXXXX}\\
% \url{https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:XXX-opusX-XXXXXX}
% }
% A short summary of the thesis. These information will be used for the PDF meta data.
\mySubject{A cool PhD thesis.}
% Some keywords of the thesis. These information will be used for the PDF meta data. Please use | as a separator and try to avoid commas.
\myKeywords{PhD thesis | world-changing | very important | please like, share, and subscribe}
% A list of Bib entries of all of the authors publications. This is list used when printing the author’s publications at the end of the thesis.
% Your name as it appears in the author field of your publication bib-file.
% Use regular expressions (PCRE) to match different versions of your name if needed. You might need to escape your expression with \regexp{...}.
% This is used to remove your name from "joint work with ..." lists at the end of the thesis.
\myPublicationsName{My Name}
%% End of options to adjust. %%%%%%%%%
\input{core/preamble/format} % Contains commands that define the general format and layout of the thesis.
\input{core/bibliography/bibliography_format} % Contains commands for the layout of the bibliography.
\input{packages_and_commands/standard_packages} % Contains the packages that this template provides.
\input{packages_and_commands/general_commands} % Contains newly defined commands useful for mathematics.
\input{packages_and_commands/user-defined_commands} % This is where user-defined commands should go.
% This is the thesis. The front matter as well as the references should not be changed. The main matter can be edited freely.
%% Please add the content of your thesis here. %%
\part{The Beginning of It All}
\chapter{Demo Chapter}
%% End of adding your content. %%
% Add the following chapters not to the current ›part‹ but one level above instead.
\chapter{Conclusions \& Outlook}
% Following are the files and commands for the bibliography and the author’s publications.
\printbibliography[heading = none]