\documentclass[mres, copyrightpage, examinerscopy]{mqthesis}
% Options you can use in the documentclass above:
% phd/mres/hons = set the degree text [default=phd if absent]
% copyrightpage = print a copyright page on the back
% of the title page [default=false]
% examinerscopy = print "Examiner's Copy" of title page and
% change linespacing to 1.5 [default=false]
% greychapternumbers = print large chapter numbers in grey
% instead of MQ corporate "sand"
% This shows what labels you are using for cross references
% \usepackage{showkeys}
% This document is a skeleton which pulls in the meat of the thesis
% from other files. Comment out and add lines as appropriate.
% N.B. for final printing you may want to remove the 'examinerscopy'
% option, which will remove 'Examiner's Copy' from the title page
% and change the linespacing to single space for a professional look
% ... just saying. Check figure placement, and tweak as necessary though!
% Acknowledgements, titlepage, abstract, list of publications
\title{Insert thesis title here}
\author{Insert your name here}
% Put your department or school here, should be the full name
\department{School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences}
% Follow MQ's suggested order by default, up to you.
% Add these as required for your discipline or style:
% \listoffigures
% \listoftables
% Include chapters as needed
% Introduction
% Other chapters in here
% Conclusion
% Include chapters as needed (will be numbered differently)
% List of symbols / references / index etc
% Your thesis may not need this --- comment out or delete the following line
% Bibliography, in BibTeX format (the references.bib file)