%!TeX program = xelatex
% \documentclass{skkudissertation}
% \documentclass[print]{skkudissertation}
% \documentclass[print,signature]{skkudissertation}
\documentclass[demodissertation]{skkudissertation} % Phd dissertation English demo
% \documentclass[kor,demodissertation]{skkudissertation} % Phd dissertation Korean demo
% Citation style--------------------------------
% natbib is used
% Follow each department's instruction
% You can add additional packages---------------
% Define metadata here--------------------------
% \dissertationtitle{Dissertation Title (22p)}
% \dissertationsubtitle{Subtitle (16p)}
% \authorname{Student Name (16p) (ex: First name Last Name)}
% \department{ooo (16p)}
% \submissiondate{October 2024}
% \approvaldate{December 2024}
% \gradyear{2025}
% \degree{Typed your degrere (ex: Doctor of Philosophy 14p)}
% \majoradvisor{Major Advisor's English Name (16p)}
% \committeechair{Chair}
% \firstcommittee{Member}
% \secondcommittee{Member}
% \thirdcommittee{Member}
% \backtitle{논문제목을 작성하시오(16p)}
% \backname{제출자 성함(11p)}
% \backdep{ㅇㅇ(11p)}
% 3. Order and forms of binding degree theses
% ① Cover
% ② Side of Cover: Print only as a cover.(Do not print as contents)
% ③ Submission form: It should be “April 2024”.(Do not change)
% ④ Approval forms: Copy 1 Must be name and signature of Thesis Committee,
% Copy 2, 3 Must be empty (no name and signature of Thesis Committee).
% ※ It should be “June 2024”.(Do not change)
% ⑤ Table of contents: The table of contents should include the contents for figures and
% tables (You may change the format for different theses.)
% ⑥ Abstract in English: It should not be longer than 2 pages.
% ⑦ Text
% ⑧ Reference data
% ⑨ You may have any appendices, indexes or other information.
% ⑩ Abstract in Korean: It should not be longer than 2 pages.
% Cover
% Side of Cover: without noside option
% Inside cover
% Submission form
% Approval form
% Table of contents: contents -> figures -> tables
% Abstract in English--------------------------------
% Replace \demoabstract with the real one
% Keywords
% Replace \demokeywords with the real one
% Use \keywordlist{keyword 1, keyword 2}
\setcounter{page}{1} % Do NOT remove this line
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Do NOT remove this line
% Text---------------------------------------------
% \chpater{}: Chapter
% \section{}: Section under chapter
% \subsection{}: Under section
% \subsubsection{}: Under subsection
% References---------------------------------------
\bibliography{demo/demoreferences} % change bib file
% Appendix------------------------------------------
% If an appendix exists,
% Should start with \appendix
% \section{}: Appendix does not have chapter
% \subsection{}: Under section
% \subsubsection{}: Under subsection
% Abstract in backmatter---------------------------
% Replace \demobackabstract with the real one
% Keywords in backmatter
% Replace \demokeywords with the real one