% Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Dissertation Template
% Please read the comments in this file and make appropriate edits.
% NOTE: Always refer to the ``Preparation and Submission Manual for
% Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses for 20**'', where 20** is
% the year of your graduation, for official preparations guidelines.
%%%%%%% Import packages %%%%%%%
% \usepackage{showframe} % makes the page borders visible, conflicts with xcolor
% \usepackage{moderncvcompatibility}
% Packages for floats like figures and tables
% \usepackage{longtable}
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}
\raggedbottom % (Remove Unnecessary space b/w paragraphs)
% --------- Title and abstract etc in the front matter ----------- %
% Set line spacing to 1 in frontmatter because
% with 12pt font, 1.5 spacing is too large
%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Matter %%%%%%%%%%%%
% Fancy header
%%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%
\setstretch{2} % double spacing
%%%%%% List of Abbreviations %%%%%%
%%%%%% List of Symbols %%%%%%
%%%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%%
%%%%%%% To create 1.5 spacing in contents
%%%%%%%% To create double spacing in chapters
%%%%%% Chapters %%%%%%
%% Remove any command starting with "\lipsum"
%% from the chapter text. They are used to generate
%% junk test paragraphs
% \newpage\null\newpage
% \newpage\null\newpage
% \newpage\null\newpage
% \newpage\null\newpage
% \newpage\null\newpage
%%%%%% Appendices %%%%%%
%% Comment the following lines if you do not want to add
%% "Appendix" before appendix number in TOC
% \null\newpage
%%%%%% Publications %%%%%%
%%%%%% Bibliography %%%%%%
\fancyhead[LO,RE]{\bfseries \bibname}
% Comment the following line if you don't want to print
% all the citations in the bibliography file