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\documentclass[phd,american,digital]{thesispuc}%english thesis
%\documentclass[mscr,american]{thesispuc}%english dissertation
%\documentclass[phd,brazilian]{thesispuc}%tese em portugês
%\documentclass[msc,brazilian]{thesispuc}%disseretação em portuguŝ
%%% Additional Packages
% ABNT reference style package. The current style is the alphabetical order, if you need
% change to citation order, change in the line above 'alf' to 'num', also at the end replace
% bibliographystyle with the commented version.
%\usepackage[linesnumbered, ruled, vlined]{algorithm2e}
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%%% Misc.
%%% Titulos
\author{Dennis Ritchie}
\authorR{Ritchie,Dennis} % full name
\advisor{Marcelo Gattass}{Prof.} %Name LastName
\advisorR{Gattass, Marcelo} %LastName, Name
% If the advisor's department is different from author's department, uncomment the next line and type the correct name and acronym of advisor's institution.
%\advisorInst{institution name}{acronym}
%\coadvisor{Otávio da Fonseca Martins Gomes}{Dr.}
%\coadvisorR{da Fonseca Martins Gomes, Otávio}
%\coadvisorInst{Centro de Tecnologia Mineral}{CETEM/MCTI}
\title{Modelo de tese e dissertação PUC-Rio} %title in portuguese
\titleuk{Thesis and dissertation template PUC-Rio} %title in english
%%\subtitulo{Aqui vai o subtitulo caso precise}
\city{Rio de Janeiro}
\school{Pós-Graduação em Informática}
\university{Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro}
\uni{PUC-Rio }
%%% Jury
\jurymember{Alberto Barbosa Raposo}{Prof.}
{Departamento de Informática}{PUC-Rio}
\jurymember{Waldemar Celes Filho}{Prof.}
{Departamento de Informática}{PUC-Rio}
%%% Personal Resume
% If it fit in one line use this command:
\makebox[\textwidth][s]{Graduated in computer science by the Harvard University.}%
% If not just type your resume without any special command
%%% Acknowledgment (REMINDER TO SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS. Do not forget to thank the agencies that supported your work.)
\noindent To my adviser Professor Marcelo Gattass for the stimulus and partnership
to carry out this work.
\noindent To CNPq and PUC-Rio, for the aids granted, without which this work does not
could have been accomplished.
\noindent \textbf{For students contemplated with any CAPES scholarship, whose defense occurred as of 04 September 2018 leave the following passage:}
\noindent This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
%%% Catalog prekeywords
%%% Keywords - Don't use % at the end of /key dfinition
\key{Procesamento Geométrico}
\key{Remoção de ruído de malha}
\key{Vizinhança adaptativa}
\key{Geometry Processing}
\key{Mesh Denoising}
\key{Adaptive Patches}
%%% Abstract
A aquisição de malhas triangulares normalmente introduz ruídos indesejados...
The acquisition of triangular meshes typically introduces undesired noise...}
%%% Dedication
To my parents, for their support\\
and encouragement.
%%% Epigraph
My beautifull epigraph
\epigraphauthor{Wassily Kandinsky}
\epigraphbook{Regards sur le passé}
\input{1-introduction} % introduction
\input{2-previous-work} % previous work
%% ...
\bibliographystyle{abnt-alf} % \bibliographystyle{abnt-num}