LaTeX templates — Direct Submission Link

This LaTeX template can be used to prepare a supplementary document for inclusion with submission to Optica Publishing Group's journals. This document, which may include supplementary information such as expanded descriptions of materials and methods, will be published as a PDF linked to the primary article. The supplemental file should only present information that would be useful and worthwhile for the reader, for example, details that would be necessary to reproduce an experiment. The article, however, must be coherent without the supplemental PDF file. Please see the Author Guidelines for Supplementary Materials for more information. Supplementary documents are not copyedited and so should be prepared carefully with the template provided. Note that a coversheet with final article title, author block, publication date, journal branding, and other details will be added to your supplemental document during production. Do not include such details directly in this document.. Note that this template can be run from your own TeX system or within the cloud-based Overleaf system.

This is the template for LaTeX submissions to Publications of the Journal of Glaciology (JOG). You can use it to write and collaborate online in LaTeX. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to JOG using the ‘Submit to journal’ option in the Overleaf editor. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or contact the the journal for more information on submissions.

This is the template for LaTeX submissions to Annals of Glaciology (AOG). You can use it to write and collaborate online in LaTeX. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to AOG using the ‘Submit to journal’ option in the Overleaf editor. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or contact the the journal for more information on submissions.

This is a skeleton file demonstrating the use of the IEEEtran.cls style with an IEEE journal paper, and with example bibliography files included. These bibliography files are includes to provide one example of how to set up a bibliography for your IEEE paper. For more information on using bibtex for references in your IEEE journal papers, see this FAQ. IEEEtran.cls version: 1.8b

This is the template for the preparation of manuscripts for submission to the Journal of the AMS; it is pre-loaded with the necessary files, and can be opened for editing in Overleaf simply by clicking the button above. Once your manuscript is ready, the 'Submit to the Journal of the AMS' button in the top bar of the Overleaf editor provides a quick route to the official Journal of the AMS submission portal with the files you need for submission.

The American Geophysical Union organizes and disseminates scientific information in the fields of geophysics, which include atmospheric and ocean sciences; solid-Earth sciences; hydrologic sciences; and space sciences. The agujournal2019 LaTeX class provides formatting for all AGU journals in the correct APA style. This template allows for direct submission to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. This template is based on the one from the official author guidelines. See the instructions on that page for complete information. AGU also provides some LaTeX tips for authors. JAMES is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes original research articles advancing the development and application of models at all scales in understanding the physical Earth system and its coupling to biological, geological and chemical systems.

This is a skeleton file demonstrating the use of the IEEEtran.cls style with a one-column IEEE journal paper, and with example bibliography files included. (Please refer to your journal's instructions for other document class options to set before submitting.) These bibliography files are includes to provide one example of how to set up a bibliography for your IEEE paper. For more information on using bibtex for references in your IEEE journal papers, see this FAQ. IEEEtran.cls version: 1.8b

The American Geophysical Union organizes and disseminates scientific information in the fields of geophysics, which include atmospheric and ocean sciences; solid-Earth sciences; hydrologic sciences; and space sciences. The agujournal2019 LaTeX class provides formatting for all AGU journals in the correct APA style. This template allows for direct submission to JGR: Atmospheres. This template is based on the one from the official author guidelines. See the instructions on that page for complete information. AGU also provides some LaTeX tips for authors. JGR: Atmospheres publishes articles that advance and improve understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change.

The American Geophysical Union organizes and disseminates scientific information in the fields of geophysics, which include atmospheric and ocean sciences; solid-Earth sciences; hydrologic sciences; and space sciences. The agujournal2019 LaTeX class provides formatting for all AGU journals in the correct APA style. This template allows for direct submission to JGR: Space Physics. This template is based on the one from the official author guidelines. See the instructions on that page for complete information. AGU also provides some LaTeX tips for authors. JGR: Space Physics is dedicated to the publication of new and original research in the broad field of space science. This embraces aeronomy, magnetospheric physics, planetary atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres, solar and interplanetary physics, cosmic rays, and heliospheric physics. Science that links interactions between space science and other components of the Sun-Earth system are encouraged, as are multidisciplinary and system-level science papers.
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