LaTeX template for AfricaNLP Workshop Submissions.
EACL 2021, Virtual Event
Note from Overleaf:
SyncTeX will not work correctly with this template (as well as other templates based on similar underlying code, eg CVPR, EMNLP, etc) when the line numbers are active. To make SyncTeX function while authoring your manuscript, either on Overleaf or in your own LaTeX installation, the line numbers have to be turned off by uncommenting \aclfinalcopy.
Template for 'Helseatlas' fact sheets, for SKDE Can be both one-page and two-page fact sheets
Jan. 29 2019: Simplified setup
Sept. 21 2018: New framework (all fact sheets in one document)
Apr. 10 2017: LuaLaTeX and TeX Gyre fonts