% filename = "main.tex",
% version = "1.2.0",
% authors = "Muhammad Alif Budiman",
% email = "alifm2101@gmail.com"
% Document Class and Package Setup
% The option "final" or "draft" can be used:
% - "final" generates the final version of the document without draft marks.
% - "draft" includes additional formatting marks useful for reviewing, such as overfull box warnings.
% Title and Author Information
\title{judul skripsi}
\titleeng{thesis title}
\gelar{Sarjana Sains}
% Faculty and Study Program Information
% Administrative and Academic Staff Information
% Examination Committee
% Supervisors
% Document Dates
\tgllulus{17}{Agustus 1945}
\graduationdate{17}{August 1945}
\tglkatapengantar{17 Agustus 1945}
\tglpernyataan{17 Agustus 1945}
% Global Document Settings
% To enable watermark, set this to true; to disable, set to false.
\newboolean{iswatermark} \setboolean{iswatermark}{false}
% To use numbered sections like 1.1, 1.2, set to true.
% To use alphabetic sections like A, B, set to false.
% Formatting Commands
\Activatedraft % Enable draft mode
\ActivateBG % Activate background settings
\Chapterformatting % Apply custom chapter formatting
\Tocformatting % Apply table of contents formatting
% Begin Document
% Front Matter
\abstrak{frontmatter/abstrak}{Lorem, Lorem Ipsum, Lorem, Lorem Ipsum, Lorem}
\abstract{frontmatter/abstract}{Lorem, Lorem Ipsum, Lorem, Lorem Ipsum, Lorem}
% Lists
% Main Content
% Bibliography
% Appendices and Author Biography