overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates and examples — Recent
Discover LaTeX templates and examples to help with everything from writing a journal article to using a specific LaTeX package.

Template for edited volumes to be submitted to Language Science Press. The templates includes a master document for the book as well as individual documents for the chapters, which can be compiled standalone.

Template for book chapters to be submitted to Language Science Press.

Official template for paper submission. Source: https://github.com/ICLR/Master-Template/tree/master/iclr2025

This is the official template from ICCV2025 Author Guide based on https://media.eventhosts.cc/Conferences/ICCV2025/ICCV2025-Author-Kit.zip

These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Journals using LaTeX. You may also use it for preparing papers for AIAA conferences by toggling the documentclass option in the template. AIAA journals provide a panoramic journey from yesterday’s challenges through today's most important aerospace advances in research and development.AIAA’s original research papers present concepts, methods of analysis, technical knowledge, exploratory developments, and new applications. To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself. If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu. This template is designed for submissions to all current AIAA journals: AIAA Journal Journal of Aerospace Information Systems Journal of Aircraft Journal of Air Transportation Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics Journal of Propulsion and Power Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer If you're new to Overleaf and LaTeX, check out our free introductory course for help getting started.

Atualizaçao para o SBGames 2025 Artigo template para o SBGames criado com base no template oficial da SBC para publicação na SOL. O template contempla informações como: edição do evento, ano, trilha do artigo, nome dos proceedings, título em português, título em ingles, abstract, keywords, resumo e palavras-chave.

此项目旨在帮助桂林电子科技大学的毕业生高效地完成毕业论文的写作,使用前请阅读README文档,关注项目获取更新,同时也欢迎同学们参与该项目。 由于免费编译时长限制,后续更新将不会同步至 overleaf,请关注 Github 主页 项目地址:GUET_Thesis_LaTeX 本次更新内容如下: 1. Linux 中的英文字体将采用 STIX 字体(与 Times New Roman 仅有细微差别,详细请看 README) 2. Linux 中的中英字体将不再包含在该仓库中(提供 中英字体下载链接和下载脚本(二选一即可),都在 Fonts 文件夹内,Linux 用户自行下载即可) 3. 改进字体下载脚本命令; 4. 完善精简 README,将相关说明内容添加到仓库 Wiki 中; 5. 新增 LaTeX 编译相关的说明。

This is a template for writing responses to reviewers, which is typically needed when submitting an article to a scientific journal.

Adjusted template for theses and reports at UPB - NLP group.
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