overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates and examples — Recent
Discover LaTeX templates and examples to help with everything from writing a journal article to using a specific LaTeX package.

PhD Thesis template for VIT university This is the template offered by university

TEMPLATE PARA TRABALHO DE CONCLUSÃO DE CURSO Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR Customização da classe abnTeX2 para as normas da UTFPR Projeto hospedado em: Autores: Diego Marczal Michael Vornes https://github.com/mvornes

An attempt to fulfill the format required by the Rio Pipeline 2017 Conference.

A thesis template for the IT & Cognition students at the university of Copenhagen

Modelo de apresentação do Laboratório de Sistemas de Computação da UFSM.

Example/Template for a simple recipe booklet, with markdown!

Invento de un dispositivo para solucionar un problema imposible.

Ready-to-use-template for Thesis in German. predefined german Keyboard layout DIN biblografy style example texts for official stuff usefull packages in additional file Vorlage für deutsche Bachelor-/Masterthesis deutsches Tastaturlayout vordefiniert DIN konformes Literaturverzeichnis Bespiele für Sperrvermerk und Selbständigkeitserklärung viele hilfreiche packages in eigener Datei

Uses a slightly modified version of the mla13 style in order to minimize effort on the user's part and remove noise from the LaTeX document while being consistent. This extended template include a title page, a table of contents, an abstract page (After table of contents), and a works cited page which is updated based on a bibliography. This style should be suited for anyone who needs to use MLA styling on a research paper or a similar assignment.
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