A Latex template for the preparation of IAU Symposia Proceedings downloaded from
The package contains: Class File (iau.cls), Instructions, a Sample PDF and a Sample TeX file
This is an IEEE based template that can be used for presenting your work on the Open Science Data Cloud. Use it for the PIRE Workshop challenge and other submissions such as the Supercomputing 2014 conference.
This is the template used by authors of papers for Sociedade Brasileira de Computação SBC conferences, and also in many university courses, for instance for students in the computer science department at UFPA (University Federal of Pará).
Simply click the image above to start editing online instantly. Below are the instructions for use from the template:
This meta-paper describes the style to be used in articles and short papers
for SBC conferences. For papers in English, you should add just an abstract
while for the papers in Portuguese, we also ask for an abstract in
Portuguese (``resumo''). In both cases, abstracts should not have more than
10 lines and must be in the first page of the paper.
Este meta-artigo descreve o estilo a ser usado na confecção de artigos e
resumos de artigos para publicação nos anais das conferências organizadas
pela SBC. É solicitada a escrita de resumo e abstract apenas para os artigos
escritos em português. Artigos em inglês deverão apresentar apenas abstract.
Nos dois casos, o autor deve tomar cuidado para que o resumo (e o abstract)
não ultrapassem 10 linhas cada, sendo que ambos devem estar na primeira
página do artigo.
PS: If you're new to LaTeX, we recommend starting with our free online LaTeX course as an introduction.
Example by Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
With Overleaf, edit online instantly this IEEE MTT-S Conference Paper (IMS 2013), and download a PDF version.
This project is also available on my web site:
Please use this template to create either your two-page abstract (abstract deadline: January 15, 2023) or your
final full-length paper (final paper deadline: May 15, 2023). In the case of a final full paper, it should be 6–
10 pages in length. Please do not include page numbers, since these will be assigned later in the conference
proceedings document. Please submit the PDF file following the submission instructions to be posted here.
The pdf file should have a unique name, e.g. ’paperISPIV2023 [name of first author] [submission date (e.g.:
Jan012023)].pdf’. Again, either a two-page abstract or a final full-length paper (if the abstract is accepted)
must be submitted by their corresponding deadlines.