Template do documento gerado para uso na disciplina de Projeto Dirigido, obrigatória do Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia.
Dúvidas, sugestões ou críticas? Contate b.focassio@aluno.ufabc.edu.br ou alexandre.o@aluno.ufabc.edu.br
Textbausteine aus der Broschüre "Patientenverfügung"
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz
berücksichtigt die Vorgaben des BGH-Beschlusses (XII ZB 61/16) vom 06.07.2016
Textbausteine zur Broschüre "Patientenverfügung" im Word-Format (abgerufen am 04.10.2016)
This is the new and updated M.Sc. thesis template for Tampere University of Technology from POP, in use since 2015. [Downloaded 25 September 2016]
Note that you must choose either Finnish or English here and there in this file.
Please compile with XeLaTeX for better handling of UTF-8 characters, especially with lstlisting that contain UTF-8 characters.
Este relatório busca aprimorar e aumentar o conhecimento obtido em aula através de cálculos, simulações, montagens e testes de circuitos multiplicadores de tensão.
Plantilla para trabajos de curso del área de Diseño en el programa de Ingeniería Mecánica y Mecatrónica de la Facultad de Ingeneiría de la la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.
I want to submit an abstract to a seminar hosted by a scientific institute. At the same time I will give a short talk in that seminar if my abstract is accepted. They require a personal CV for detailed information of the speaker. In fact, they want to hire young researchers during this seminar.