This paper describes the creation of the tool to approach to models of dispersion of pollutants, framed under a methodology of software development, which identified the sequence to follow in the life cycle extension development, through an incremental model in which the stages of the project were identified. At each stage a series of activities that helped define inputs and outputs in each was made. According the above in the first stage the functional requirements defined and nonfunctional, then in stage two architecture and graphical interface, followed by the coding stage extension and finally the stage of performance testing and user, in order to improve or correct the functionality of the extension.
Esta plantilla para informe de laboratorio ha sido creada con el objetivo de dar a los estudiantes del laboratorio de Aerodinámica de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana las herramientas necesarias para presentar la información requerida en sus informes a partir de unos requerimientos y lineamientos mínimos, expuestos dentro de la misma.