overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

2 cooking recipes templates in one with sub-recipes, and notes and tips

EACH-USP-PPgSI Exame de Qualificação e Dissertação de Mestrado

NTU Master Dissertation for SCSE, EEE and other schools.

Modelo para trabalhos escolares ligados ao Projeto Integrador da escola Prof. Luiz Rosa.

This is a sample file for legacy SIGCHI extended abstracts, using acmart.cls v1.71 (2020/05/04). Starting in Spring 2020 ACM retired SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (sigchi-a). ACM will not, under any circumstances, accept documents in this format for publication and will not offer technical support to the authors who use this template. You may use this format in the nonacm mode only, as in \documentclass[sigchi-a, nonacm]{acmart}.

A simple vertical business card design that uses both sides of the card. The back side is used to display a logo and QR-code while the front side contains all of the usual information (name, contact information...).

A quick start template with all necessary features for a thesis: double pages, fancy headers, appendix, bib, toc, title. Licence: MIT

Šablona dizertační práce FIT ČVUT original location https://fit.cvut.cz/node/1036

A simple project report template for students to use. Uses classic thesis.
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